Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Affective News and Networked Publics: The Rhythms of News Storytelling on #Egypt

Judul Artikel:Affective News and Networked Publics: The Rhythms of News Storytelling on #Egypt
Judul Terbitan:Journal of Communication
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 62 Issue 2 2012
Frekuensi Penerbitan:6 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Zizi Papacharissi1 & Maria de Fatima Oliveira2
Abstraksi:This study traces the rhythms of news storytelling on Twitter via the #egypt hashtag. Using computational discourse analysis, we examine news values and the form of news exhibited in #egypt from January 25 to February 25, 2011, pre- and post-resignation of Hosni Mubarak. Results point to a hybridity of old and newer news values, with emphasis on the drama of instantaneity, the crowdsourcing of elites, solidarity, and ambience. The resulting stream of news combines news, opinion, and emotion to the point where discerning one from the other is difficult and doing so misses the point. We offer a theory of affective news to explain the distinctive character of content produced by networked publics in times of political crisis.
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