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A Lifestyle Perspective on Potential Victims of Workplace Harassment

Judul Artikel:A Lifestyle Perspective on Potential Victims of Workplace Harassment
Judul Terbitan:The Journal of Individual Psychology
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 67 Issue 3 2011
Penerbit:University of Texas Press
Frekuensi Penerbitan:6 x 1 tahun
Penulis:Milda Astrauskaite and Roy M. Kern
Abstraksi:Abstract Previous research findings on work harassment and personality do not answer the question of how the lifestyle construct (as conceptualized by Alfred Adler) is related to the individual's experience of workplace harassment. To assess the dynamics of workplace harassment and lifestyle, the BASIS-A Inventory (Wheeler, Kern, & Curlette, 1993), Work Harassment scale (WHS; Björkqvist, Österman, & Hjelt-Back, 1992), and a demographic survey were administered to a sample of 320 employees from 3 organizations located in a metropolitan area of Lithuania. Logistic regression analysis was performed. Participants were assigned to one of two groups based on WHS scores: lower work harassment group (N = 195) and higher work harassment group [N = 109). Results of a logistic regression analysis of the data set indicated that 3 of the 5 major scales of the BASIS-A Inventory—Taking Charge, Wanting Recognition, and Being Cautious—were significantly related to work harassment as reported by employees on the WHS. Discussions and conclusions support some of the other research findings related to personality attributes of the potential victim but provide additional information indicating that positive lifestyle attributes may also become problematic when the individual is placed in a stressful work environment.
Kata Kunci:Keywords: lifestyle, personality, potential victim, work harassment, work task