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A Kernel of Truth? The Impact of Television Storylines Exploiting Myths About Organ Donation on the Public’s Willingness to Donate

Judul Artikel:A Kernel of Truth? The Impact of Television Storylines Exploiting Myths About Organ Donation on the Public’s Willingness to Donate
Judul Terbitan:Journal of Communication
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 60 Issue 4 2010
Frekuensi Penerbitan:6 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Susan E. Morgan, Andy J. King, Jessica Rae Smith, & Rebecca Ivic
Abstraksi:In this study, 580 participants viewed one of the 30 full-length entertainment television episodes. Fifteen of these episodes centered onanorgandonationstoryline (ODS)where facts about the process were portrayed inaccurately; the remaining 15 were matched by program, but did not feature organ donation, and served as controls. Results indicated nondonors were significantly impacted by negative organ-donation-related content. ODSs produced more negative attitudes, less accurate knowledge, and perceptions of social and descriptive norms less supportive of organ donation among nondonors. However, participants who had already declared a willingness to donate organs after death were not significantly impacted by entertainment television’s depiction of myths about donation.
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