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A Field Experiment on the Internet’s Effect in an African Election: Savvier Citizens, Disaffected Voters, or Both?

Judul Artikel:A Field Experiment on the Internet’s Effect in an African Election: Savvier Citizens, Disaffected Voters, or Both?
Judul Terbitan:Journal of Communication
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 62 Issue 2 2012
Frekuensi Penerbitan:6 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Catie Snow Bailard
Abstraksi:This study contributes to the research on the Internet’s effect on political behavior and organization by examining how the Internet influences the types of evaluations that may motivate individuals to organize politically. This study employs a randomized field experiment to determine whether the Internet influenced individuals’ perception of the fairness of the 2010 Tanzanian presidential election. It provides a direct causal test of the Internet’s effect on political evaluations, and the findings reveal that the Internet negatively influenced individuals’ perception of the fairness of the election and recount. However, the findings also reveal that the impact of the Internet on political life may not always enrich democratic values. In this case, more critical Internet users also became less likely to vote.
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